Family Lawyer Serving the Twin Cities Area

Tom Lee is Shoreview-based lawyer practicing primarily in the areas of divorce, custody, child support, grandparent’s rights and other family law issues. With over 30 years of experience, the law office of Tom Lee provides strong legal representation in matters that are of utmost importance—family.

Call 651-398-8300 today to schedule your free initial consultation with Tom Lee Law.

About Tom Lee

As a Shoreview family law attorney, Tom Lee has dedicated his professional life to helping families and individuals settle disputes fairly and with as few emotional and financial consequences as possible. He uses creative problem-solving, collaboration and mediation whenever possible, but also knows when to pursue litigation. See the rest of Tom Lee’s attorney profile.

Call For Your Free Initial Consultation Today

Contact Tom Lee Law, conveniently located in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, to schedule your free initial consultation. Call 651-398-8300 today.

"Tom helped our family through very tough times. His expertise gave us so much confidence... We were glad to have him on our side. Thanks Tom!"
— Roseville, Minnesota